The Blue School originated as a parent run playgroup in 2006 by the founding members of the Blue Man Group. Within a brief period of time, the school grew and needed a larger home.
In January of 2011, Yorke Construction was invited onto the team to provide pre-construction services to budget the project and provide scheduling and construction management services so the Blue School could achieve their goal of opening for the fall 2011 academic year.
Completed in August of 2011, the former Seaman’s Church Institute (at 241 Water Street located in the Historic South Seaport district of Lower Manhattan) was renovated into a six story, 33,000 square foot space for Pre-K thru 5th grade. Because of the limited time for project completion, close collaboration between Yorke, the architect/consultant team, owner, and expediter was essential to allow DOB/Landmark filings to run concurrently with select construction activities. This fast-track process allowed for completion in eight months rather than the normal twelve.